I appreciate the time you've taken to visit my domain. It's pretty empty, so for now - enjoy a
candid picture of me at the top of Mt. Carrigain, NH,
after hiking up to see the sunrise at the summit.
I appreciate the time you've taken to visit my domain. It's pretty empty, so for now - enjoy a
candid picture of me at the top of Mt. Carrigain, NH,
after hiking up to see the sunrise at the summit.
I'm happily employed at the moment, so where I'd normally use this site as an online resume,
there's currently no need. In short, I'm a Network Engineer (routing/switching) with a
Computer Engineering background (think PCBs and microcontrollers).
If you want to learn more, head over to my LinkedIn page
or send me an email at <my name> @ steven-brown.net
Otherwise, here's another picture - this one taken from a Cape Cod beach - of Comet NEOWISE. It's in the center of the picture, so if you're viewing this in portrait mode... you'll just have to trust me.